Welsh Conservative Leader Andrew RT Davies visited Bang On Brewery in Bridgend last week to meet with owner Neil Randle and his team.  

Mr Davies was given a tour of the brewery and discussed concerns about the proposed Deposit Return Scheme. 

If existing proposals go ahead, different schemes will apply in England, Scotland and Wales. Welsh brewers fear this will put them at a commercial disadvantage.  

While supporting a scheme in principle, Mr Davies said it was vital these concerns were ironed out.  

Mr Davies said, “It was a pleasure to visit Bang On Brewery in Bridgend. It’s a great local business and I’m extremely grateful to Neil for showing me around.  

“It was beneficial to chat about the concerns facing the industry, including the deposit return scheme.  

“In principle it’s a fantastic idea. But it is vital concerns are sorted out before the scheme is implemented. I will raise these with Welsh Government ministers.”